About Nature Cube

It’s the local waterbodies with Panchax moving in the jungle of Vallisneria that first introduced a young boy to the wonders of the aquatic world. Soon came in the first aquarium and with that journey started for a dedicated hobbyist almost 40 years back. The artificial decors, coloured pebbles, gold fish soon gave way to natural aquatic plants, laterite soil and neon tetras and a long journey of creating planted aquariums started.

Then in early 2000 he got his copy of “Nature Aquarium World” by legendary aquarist Mr. Takashi Amano. He got hooked to the wonders of Nature Aquarium. A distant dream came true when nine years later he got the opportunity of meeting Mr. Takashi Amano in person. The passion within got an encouragement of a life time. He became our mentor.

​By then the local waterbodies had long vanished losing the battle to concrete jungle. That is when the thought of reviving the love of nature and exposing the urban dwellers to the wonders of ecosystem through a beautifully designed aquascape came into his mind.

​Some fellow aquarist joined hands with him and NATURE CUBE as a company was conceptualised in the year 2010. Along with it started the long standing association with Aqua Design Amano (ADA) and their India counterpart Still Water Aquatics (SWA) led by a friend, well-wisher and nature aquarium expert Mr. Adip Sajjan Raj.

Nature Cube thus is the outcome of decades of fish keeping experience, passion and dedication for the love of nature.

We at Nature Cube thus constantly strive towards bringing in the best in class aquarium and off-late terrarium products and technologies for our discerning customers. All products and concepts are first tried out by our experts before introducing them to our customers. Customer satisfaction for us is the most important thing and our biggest asset.

​We believe in ethically propagating the hobby of aquarium and terrarium without harming nature.

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