Aqua Design Amano

Aqua Design Amano

Aqua Design Amano

What is Nature Aquarium ?

A nature aquarium is a style of aquascaping that creates a natural-looking ecosystem in an aquarium using plants, fish, and microorganisms. The style originated in Japan in the early 1990s and was developed by Takashi Amano, a landscape photographer and aquarist.

Nature aquariums are designed to mimic natural landscapes, such as forests, valleys, mountains, and hillsides. The aquascape is created by arranging aquatic plants, wood, and stone to create a natural feel. The goal is to create a microcosm of nature where the fish can swim in their natural colors and feel at home.

Next-generation smart lighting

AQUASKY RGB II 60 is an evolutional lighting system from the well-received AQUASKY RGB 60.  It comes with updated RGB LED chips that provide unmatched lighting performance that is 1.7 times brighter than the previous model reaching 40,000 Lux +/- 10%.  The heightened lighting performance further enhances the growth of aquatic plants with beautiful colors.

It is now equipped with various control functions using the dedicated app, “ADA CONTROLLER”.  The app enables flexible control of lighting color and intensity as well as a timer with an ON-OFF function and soft lighting via Bluetooth with a smartphone.

ADA Aqua Soil – Amazonia Ver.2 – Normal Type

Amazonia Ver.2 uses black soil for a raw material and it stands out against the leaf color of aquatic plants, and also includes Amazonia Supplement to enrich nutrients. By adding an appropriate amount of Amazonia supplement and laying Amazonia Ver.2, aquatic plants grow better and a beautiful Nature Aquarium can be realized. In addition, natural soils make the water quality suitable for aquatic plants and tropical fish, and it is easy to maintain an aquarium at the initial stage, so it can be used widely from beginners to veterans.

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