Your own Underwater Garden
Natural Aquariums
Your own Underwater Garden
It’s not just about aquariums but it’s all about re-creating nature and natural biotopes in an aquarium.
If you desire to set up, and more importantly, want to sustain a truly beautiful aquarium, let years of research and the finest of equipment from around the world support you in that.
At Nature Cube, we work with market leading aquarium products, products or invertebrate products and aquatic plants. We are the dealers of world famous brands and bring to you the best in the market. We are proud to be closely associated with prestigious brand like Aqua Design Amano (ADA) for close to a decade now.
We recommend products only after testing them extensively as hobbyists.
Since established almost 25 years ago by legendary aquarist and nature photographer, Mr. Takashi Amano.Aqua Design Amano (ADA) has been considered as one of the most influential aquarium technology solution providers of recent times. Amano established the concept of “Nature Aquarium”, a style of aquarium design that attempt recreating nature within the confines of a glass box.
All ADA products are a results of years of meticulous research and the best of Japanese design. Many of them are hand crafted to
perfection and helps to create a sustainable ecosystem within the confines of your living room which you can enjoy for years together.
Headquartered at Nigata, Japan, ADA is now represented at 40 countries across 5 continents.
We are proud to be associated with ADA for 10 years now and are the exclusive distributors for Eastern India.
Related Links:
Mr. Takashi Amano
ADA Official Website
Aquatic Plants by Still Water Aquatics
Based out of Bangalore, India Still Water Aquatics (SWA) is one of the best and innovative company in the field of aquariums. SWA
pioneered the concept of “Tissue Cultured” aquatic plants out of their sprawling and cutting edge technology enabled farm at the outskirts of Bangalore. SWA has a very rich portfolio of aquarium as well as terrarium plants which not only caters to Indian markets but also expanding their footprint fast in the International Aquarium market place.
We are the exclusive dealers of SWA aquatic plants for eastern India. We have a large stocking facility at our Kolkata office and provide a large variety of best quality aquatic and amphibious plants mostly free of algae, snail and other pests.
Fish, shrimps and for that matter any aquatic inhabitant fine tune their physiology according to the specific habitats they come from. It needs to be noted that aquatic species do not have an impermeable skin and hence the chemical composition of the surrounding water influences their health conditions directly. That is why a fish or shrimp does their best if they are kept conditions that mimics their actual environment.
The mineral additives and liquids developed by Salty Shrimp, Germany is outcome of their years of research and studying natural habitats around the world. If you are a biotope or fresh water shrimp enthusiast, Salty Shrimp additives are an absolute must for you and your aquarium.
We are exclusive dealers of Salty Shrimp product for India.
Related Links:
Salty Shrimp Official Website