Highlights: The customer, dissatisfied with previous fishkeeping experiences, approached us to set up a Discus planted aquarium in her new flat, despite initial skepticism. We designed a central mound layout using Echinodorus, Cryptocorynes, and Cyperus Helferi, avoiding stem plants, and selected ADA Sansui stone for its water-neutral properties and beneficial bacteria colonization. Initially, the project faced a setback due to a tank leak, which increased the customer’s skepticism. However, we provided a new tank and ensured a flawless setup, resulting in a happy client. We used ADA 36W PLL lamps for excellent plant growth and vibrant fish color rendering, fitting the custom-built cover. To maintain the water KH/GH balance needed for the Discus, we added Salty Shrimp Soft Water Mineral GH+.
Year Built: 2019
Dimensions: 90 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm (custom built extra clear glass aquarium)
Substrate: ADA Amazonia + Power Sand M + Super 4 + La Plata Sand. Additional ADA Iron Bottom was also put keeping the growth requirements of Amazon Swords and Cryptocoryenes in mind
Fertilization: ADA Green Brighty Series
Lights: 4 ADA NA Lamp 36 W in custom made wooden cover
Filtration: Shiruba XB 312 with ADA Bio Rio as Filter Media
Chiller: Kept in Air-Conditioned environment
CO2: Pressurised with ADA Regulator and 30 Dia ADA CO2 Diffuser
Hardscape: ADA Sansui stone and ADA Horn Wood