Highlights: Mr. Banerjee, an experienced aquarist, visited our Kolkata gallery to order a 2 ft planted aquarium. He had two requests: to use some of his existing equipment and to create a completely new theme. As a marine engineer, he left for a voyage, trusting us to design something unique. We decided on a “Krabi Island” theme, constructing a hardscape with 8 kg of Ouko stone and using Riccardia chamedryfolia and Weeping Moss to mimic trees on cliffs. To enhance depth in the 1 ft deep tank, we added a patch of Blyxa Japonica in the front right. The green tone of ADA Aquasky G highlighted the different shades of green, while La Plata sand effectively depicted the “sea.”
Year Built: 2018
Dimensions: 60 cm x 30 cm x 36 cm
Substrate: ADA Amazonia + Power Sand Normal Small + Super 4 + La Plata Sand
Fertilization: ADA Green Brighty Series
Lights: ADA Aquasky G
Filtration: Eheim with Bio Rio
Chiller: Hailea
CO2: Pressurised with Do Aqua Diffuser
Hardscape: ADA Ouko Stone